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The Philippines

flag PhilippinesRepublic of the Philippines

List for map
Location, Capital, Population, Area, Race composition, Religion, Form of government, Language, Currency, Independence Day(National holiday), Date of diplomatic relationship established, Military attache establishment
Location Southeast Asia
Capital Manila
Population 94.01 million (2010 projection)
Area 300,000㎢ (1.5 times the size of the Korean peninsula)
Race composition Mixed with various races, mostly Malay
Religion Catholic (83%), Protestant (5.4%), Muslim (4.6%)
Form of government Republic
Language Tagalog, English
Currency Peso
Independence Day(National holiday) Jun. 12, 1898
National holiday Jan. 26 (Philippinesn Day)
Date of diplomatic relationship established March. 3, 1949
Military attache establishment Aug. 1957 in the Philippines, Jul. 1958 in Korea