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The US

flag USUnited States of America

List for map
Location, Capital, Population, Area, Race composition, Religion, Form of government, Language, Currency, Independence Day, Date of diplomatic relationship established, Military attache establishment
Location North America
Capital Washington D.C
Population 301,139,947 (June 2007)
Area 9,631,418km2 (42 times the size of the Korean peninsula)
Race composition White (80.5%), African American(12.7%), Asian (4.1%)and American Indian (0.9%)
Religion Protestant (52%), Roman Catholic(24%), Judaism (2%) and others
Form of government Federal republic system
Language English
Currency U.S. dollar ($)
Independence Day Jul. 4,1776 (from Great Britain)
Date of diplomatic relationship established Aug. 13,1948
Military attache establishment 1951 in the U.S., 1949 in Korea